
Revelation: A Shorter Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

G. K. Beale’s monumental New International Greek Testament Commentary volume on Revelation has been highly praised since its publication in 1999. This shorter commentary distills the superb grammatical analysis and exegesis from that tome (over 1,300 pages) into a book more accessible and pertinent to preachers, students, and general Christian readers. As in the original commentary, Beale views...

to the “seven churches,” which represents the church universal throughout the ages (see on 1:4). Progressive dispensationalism holds similarly to the above unfolding of events but maintains a looser approach (e.g., the “latter days” began during the church age, and many of the visions are interpreted symbolically and not literally). Modified futurism takes various forms, some affirming that the church is true Israel and that there will be no “pretribulation rapture.” Rather, Christians will pass
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